High Contrast images (desired for standard biological TEM samples) at Low Magnification mode (field of view from 100 microns ... 3-dimension elemental analysis reconstruction (STEM EDS Tomography) The ...
Tecnai ST20 is a 200 kV TEM with a LaB 6 electron gun. The microscope may also be used at lower accelerating voltages, down to 80 kV. It is equipped with an EDS system and software for performing ...
Inspect 3D Software provides basic visualization features. With Inspects 3D Software, all Thermo Scientific TEM, STEM, and EDS tomography software is fully compatible. An initial coarse X-Y alignment ...
Electron tomography is TEM based method best suited for high resolution (~1-4 nm/pixel) imaging of relatively small areas. Typical dimensions of ET dataset is about 5.0 x 5.0 x 0.25 um. Focused ion ...
The research team's previous study on this technique, called Brownian tomography, was featured on the cover of Science in 2020. Cropped movie of denoised TEM image of a representative Pt nanocrystal.
Our FEI Tecnai 20 200 kV Twin lens TEM is optimised for cryo-EM, electron tomography, TEM and STEM experiments. It is suitable for other applications requiring high resolution imaging or analysis of ...
The development of ‘time-resolved Brownian tomography’ continues the legacy of the 2017 Nobel Prize-winning ‘cryo-TEM’ and our 2020 Science cover-featured ‘liquid TEM’ innovation.
Thermo Scientific application software packages also facilitate intuitive settings and automated data collection for different use cases and workflows, such as large area 2D imaging, energy dispersive ...
Additionally, by integrating cryo-light microscopy and soft X-ray tomography, it presents an ... section transmission electron microscopy, or TEM," says lead author Kamal Nahas, Beamline Scientist ...