A new disease is plaguing cornfields across the Midwest. Phyllachora maydis is the fungus that causes a corn disease called ...
A late August wave of heat and humidity flipped the story on tar spot for agronomist Dennis Kopp. “In 10 days, since the first of September, it’s been magnified 100%,” Kopp says. He runs a ...
“These are my personal observations, and I reserve the right to change them as we learn more about tar spot,” he adds. Keep in mind those fields of corn affected in 2021 will be back in corn ...
Some of the pesky problems in these parts are relatively new to the headache list, including Tar Spot, Southern Rust and Corn Stunt. Those diseases attack corn plants by limiting photosynthesis ...
Corn and soybean diseases to watch out for in MN, including tar spot, were the topic of the March 5 “Strategic Farming: Let’s Talk Crops!” program hosted by University of ...