degiustoi tadpole and adult reached a large size ... They could clearly pick out the little guy's head, along with the big dark dot of its eye; most of its body; some nerves; part of its tail ...
An exquisitely preserved fossilised tadpole is the oldest ever discovered ... well preserved that eyes and nerves are visible in its head, as well as a forelimb and part of its tail.
Frog tadpoles have a remarkable ability to regenerate their tissues—a process that requires a lot of energy, fast. In other animals, rapidly growing tissues, such as tumors and embryos, are thought to ...
Its head is around the size of a big adult bullfrog, but is round and blunt-faced like a tadpole, with fishy tadpole lips rather than a frog mouth. How old the tadpole was or what caused its abnormal ...
The black dots eat the jelly and grow. Soon they'll be tiny black tadpoles swimming in the water, breathing through gills on each side of the head. They're still growing and changing. Back legs ...
It’s not exactly a gazelle head butting a baboon to defend her fawn ... It might seem strange to care about a tadpole, but strawberry poison dart frog moms certainly care about theirs.
Head to the swamp/mangrove swamp biomes ... The frogspawn, in 10 minutes, hatches to 2-6 tadpoles. So, scoop them with the bucket and relocate. Make sure to keep the tadpoles away from axolotls ...