The amplified library can be subsequently sequenced. We used T7 bacteriophage genomic DNA to demonstrate dual tagging and enrichment of fragments containing both tags (Fig. 2). We modified ...
The amplified library can be subsequently sequenced. We used T7 bacteriophage genomic DNA to demonstrate dual tagging and enrichment of fragments containing both tags (Fig. 2). We modified ...
Bacteriophages, natural "predators" of bacteria ... The results showed that the Sxt1 genome is extremely similar to the genomes of T3 and T7 phages of the Autographiviridae family.
A major goal is to define, in molecular terms, the mechanism by which a large duplex DNA molecule is replicated. The replication of the chromosome of bacteriophage T7 has been used as a model system.
Initially, I studied homogeneous single- and double-stranded DNAs under many different conditions, and then concentrated on molecular genetics and physiology of bacteriophage T7. Proteins and RNAs ...