Community-based studies revealed a higher prevalence of LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction using the new echocardiographic imaging techniques. Future prospective studies will clarify the ...
Systolic congestive heart failure, or systolic heart failure, is a type of heart failure that involves the left side of the heart. As the left side of the heart begins losing some function ...
People who have early signs of heart problems may also have changes in brain health that can be early signs of dementia, such as loss of brain volume, according to a meta-analysis published on March ...
there is compelling rationale for extending the preliminary physiologic benefits of sildenafil seen in 'systolic' heart failure to the population with 'diastolic' heart failure. The RELAX trial ...
CCM therapy is now indicated for symptomatic heart failure patients with diastolic or systolic ventricular dysfunction, ...
The section presents a review of diastolic congestive heart failure, commonly called HFpEF. Reviews of systolic congestive HF, or HFrEF, valvular heart disease, pulmonary hypertension and right HF ...