REQUIRED TEXTS: Chen, C. T., Linear System Theory and Design, Oxford, 4th Edition, 2013 or International 4th edition, 2013. The international edition will probably have to be ordered from the UK. The ...
The Systems Theory and Design (THD) department researches methods, procedures and tools of systems engineering for the requirements analysis of automated and autonomous systems. These new systems also ...
This module aims to give you an understanding of basic signal and system concepts, e.g. average value, the difference between periodic, non-periodic and random signals, and orthogonality. It further ...
This course gives an interdisciplinary introduction to the fundamentals of game theory and it applications to such networked systems. NOTE: This course will be offered every other year, beginning in ...
Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics that studies complex systems whose behavior is highly sensitive to initial conditions, a phenomenon popularly known as the "butterfly effect." The Lorenz ...