The Gospel for this Sunday, the account of the Woman at the Well, the Samaritan Woman, is one example of this, and a very interesting one it is. The Lord and His followers had come to the city of ...
The true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. John 4:23 Beloved brethren! Today we have heard in the Gospel that the true servants ...
The NYPD on Sunday released surveillance footage of the sicko who tried to rape a 32-year-old woman in Queens early Friday ...
In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus seems to come down on the side of the broadest possible application of the love ethic. And by emphasizing a particular type of love – the gut-wrenching kind – ...
The NYPD on Sunday released surveillance footage of the sicko who tried to rape a 32-year-old woman in Queens early Friday before a good Samaritan chased the creep away.