The heaviest sumo wrestler in the world and the widest sumo in the world have been signed as the third and final pair of pro ...
Musk traced the genesis of his neck issues to an old sumo wrestling match. During this incident, he managed to throw his opponent but severely strained his neck in the process. Over time ...
Sumo wrestlers Meccha and Ohtani compete during a sumo and sushi exhibition match in Washington on June 28 last year ... discovered sumo as a boy, practicing judo and freestyle wrestling before ...
By Jesse Green Lisa Sanaye Dring’s “Sumo” offers New Yorkers who are ... In a fictional Tokyo heya, or wrestling stable, a rigid hierarchy based on competitive achievement is brutally ...
David Madison/Getty Akebono Taro, the Hawaiian-born sumo wrestling star and WWE fighter ... at WrestleMania 21 in a Los Angeles exhibition match by throwing him out of the ring, according to ...
Hot Springs will welcome the heaviest sumo wrestler in the world and the widest sumo wrestler in the world to compete in the ...