The management of CSDH has evolved significantly ... with the potential for improved outcomes in managing chronic subdural hematomas. However, the choice of treatment should be tailored to ...
Top: CT scans show a subdural hematoma on the brain's left side (colored pink), measuring up to 19 mm in width with a brain shift of 8 mm. Bottom: Six weeks after embolization treatment, the ...
Enlarging hematomas ... management is required, and efforts should be directed to prevent or reduce secondary injuries. Extra-axial, however, occur between the brain and skull (subdural, epidural ...
After a hit to the head or a fall, people, especially seniors, can develop a dangerous pooling of blood and fluid between the brain's surface and it's protective covering, the dura. These ...
This is a complication that is feared by all sports physicians and others involved in athletic care. Acute subdural haematoma (ASDH) results from traumatic laceration to the brain, from bleeding from ...