Menu Miami Oxford Substance Abuse and Information Committee (MOSAIC) Alcohol Task Force Data and Reports Programs and Initiatives Over the last several years Miami staff, faculty, and students have ...
He says many of the programs set up to stop alcohol abuse contribute to the teen binge-drinking crisis. Any program that tells kids flatly not to drink creates temptation, he says. "Preparing your ...
When you stop consuming alcohol your body goes through a period of detoxification, which is when the withdrawal symptoms are at their most acute. How and where you attempt detoxification will be ...
Alcohol abuse and dependence does incalculable harm ... Neither is the person's insistence that, "I can stop drinking anytime I want to." Most chronic alcoholics have stopped drinking for extended ...
Using tariffs to get other countries to solve our drug crisis is at best ineffective and at worst disingenuous.
Children exposed to abuse, who show aggressive and anti-social behavior in their teenage years, are 31% more likely to be hospitalized for alcohol use later in life, University of Queensland ...
The new graphic health warnings for tobacco products developed by Kenya’s cabinet secretary for health in consultation with the country’s Tobacco Control Board. The recently released study by the ...