金色财经报道,据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,聪明钱8uAoP...kXQ3B在STONKS市值跌至121万美元时花费8208美元抄底,成本低至0.001213美元,并于一小时前爆拉时0.04684美元清仓出货,获利30.8万美元,回报率3 ...
BlockBeats 消息,2 月 1 日,据 GMGN 行情数据,Solana 链上 Meme 币 STONKS 市值短时突破 7000 万美元后回落,现报 5860 万美元,24 小时涨幅 205%,24 小时交易量达 1.07 亿美元。此前报道,1 月 23 日,纳斯达克附属账户被盗并推广 STONKS 代币,STONKS 市值短时突破 2000 万美元。在证实官推被盗后,STONKS 跌超 ...
纳斯达克(Nasdaq)官方推特账号于 1 月 22 日遭遇黑客攻击,黑客通过关联一个虚假的推特账号作为纳斯达克附属账号,并利用官方账号转发推文,推广一个名为 STONKS 的新发行山寨币。该山寨币疑似抄袭 Solana 生态同名代币,据 DEXscreener 数据显示,虚假 STONKS 代币市值在数小时内飙升至 8000 ...
Stonks Studios are young, hip, cool, and creative- and that's precisely what we bring to the table. The internet is a noisy place where everything is a copy of a copy of a copy, and since they too ...
There's usually at least one game in early access I'm waiting on the full release of before I try. At the moment, I'm holding off on anime finance sim Stonks-9800. But it's easy to miss a release when ...
While Robinhood has perks, such as taking zero commissions on trades and shelling out free stock when you get friends to sign up, there are plenty of trading apps out there to get your stonks to ...