The U.S. was considered more prepared than any other country to deal with a pandemic. But when Covid arrived, multiple flaws were exposed.
在过去煤气中毒不严重的时候,症状很像流感。而美国急诊医生对待大部分疑似流感病人的态度:不验血、不拍胸片,不开药,回家喝鸡汤。没错,确实是鸡汤。几个世纪以来,鸡汤被认为是治疗咳嗽、感冒、发烧、寒颤的土方。在《致命流感》一书中曾披露,尽管在急诊科工作多年 ...
Thankfully, in 2025, the days of lockdowns and quarantines now seem a distant memory for many—even though the physical, ...
There is a cemetery in a small railroad town in northern Ohio where I grew up that tells a sliver of the story of the great ‘Spanish’ influenza pandemic of 1918. One section of the cemetery is ...
The outbreak of this influenza virus, also known as Spanish flu, spread with astonishing speed around the world, overwhelming India, and reaching Australia and the remote Pacific islands.
Spanish Flu. With an influx of American soldiers, the war in Europe was winding down by the fall of 1918 and troops began coming home. With them traveled a new and more deadly version of Spanish flu.
What can the 1918 Flu epidemic teach us about COVID-19, asks Professor Marc Zimmer. CC Magazine: The Spanish Flu didn’t start in Spain. Why did the Iberian country get stuck with the name? Marc Zimmer ...
Periodically, the yearly flu transforms into a particularly virulent strain, like the Spanish flu that killed millions of people in 1918. How do these pandemic strains arise? Aa Aa Aa Although ...
A snapshot of the most highly ranked articles in microbiology and related areas, from Faculty of 1000. Amid cuts to federal funding, US universities tighten budgets, forcing PhD students and ...