You’ll also assess the strengths and weaknesses of key theories that have dominated the study of political sociology and analyse the writings of seminal thinkers. The programme gives you the ...
LSE’s Department of Sociology was the first to be established in the UK ... Offering ten programmes across Undergraduate, Taught Postgraduate and PhD, students can expect to study across a ...
It will also bolster your understanding of the subject if your background is in a related area, but you do not have specialist knowledge of sociology. The key learning goals are to develop your ...
Sociology is a well-established discipline, as relevant to the study of 21st-century societies as it is to the sweeping changes of the Industrial Revolution. Sociologists are concerned with society's ...
There are excellent study abroad programs available at BC, arranged through the Office of International Programs (OIP) and approved, for sociology students, by Sociology Professor Gustavo Morello ...
All Sociology course guides will publish information on their formative and summative ... The dissertation is an integral part of the your programme. It is an opportunity to study in depth a topic of ...
The possibilities for study and career paths vary as widely as humans themselves. The Department of Sociology & Anthropology offers separate majors and minors in sociology and anthropology. Both ...
A sociology major focuses on the study of humans. Students in this major explore the diversity of social behavior and interactions. They seek to understand the human perspective by investigating ...
The immersion in sociology provides insights into the interactions between individuals and the major social forces shaping their lives. Students will learn sociology’s perspectives and methods and use ...
The Department of Sociology offers a B.A. in Sociology. Within the major, there are five concentrations students can choose from. Also, remember that you are responsible for fulfilling the ...