加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(B.C.)的一家企业近日因一则地铁广告引发网络争议,不得不紧急撤下并公开致歉。该广告在温哥华市中心SkyTrain站投放,其中提及 “第51个州” 一词,而此刻正值美国总统公开发表吞并加拿大的言论,引发了公众敏感情绪。
The new grocery store will be located between offices and 223 new rental units in the tower above, and the new South ...
After three years of construction, construction has reached full completion on the big expansion of SkyTrain's Brentwood Town ...
There is much planning work behind the scenes for the UBC SkyTrain extension, including the recent completion of drilling for ...
A Richmond, B.C., company has apologized after an advertisement in a transit station drew online flak for its reference to ...
Developer Greg Coombs alleges the changes were made to open up development opportunities on city-owned sites, and constitute ...