The Microsoft Teams ringer is similar to the Skype one, but not quite the same. Annoyingly, you can actually change the call sound on Microsoft Teams (though not to the original Skype call sound ...
If I close my eyes, I can hear the once iconic Skype ringtone: "Da DA-da, do-do DO do." It was the sound of communication and possibility. Who knows what would happen during that video call ...
Skype is among the world’s most long-lasting digital brands. But other mobile apps took off faster, and Skype didn’t see the Covid bump that Zoom did.
Skype will ring for the last time on May 5 as owner Microsoft retires the two-decade-old internet calling service that redefined how people connect across borders.
Founded in 2003, Skype’s audio and video calls quickly disrupted the landline industry in the early 2000s and made the company a household name boasting hundreds of millions of users at its peak.