A century and a half before the Florentine flowering of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, another Tuscan city wondrous for ...
The thing about Siena is that it had everything a city needed ... which ran from Canterbury to Rome. So the city was open to all manner of artistic influences – the lovely carved ivories and ...
A monumental, quietly spectacular show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, “Siena: The Rise of Painting ... “Giuliano da ...
With glittering paintings on every side, the National Gallery’s intense and bewitching new exhibition focuses on Siena’s medieval golden age, when the Tuscan city was a banking centre and important ...
This solid gold exhibition celebrates the astonishing period 1300-1350 in the Italian city of Siena, which matched opulence, spirituality and extravagance ...
Note: You should not attempt to purchase any flights until you are accepted into the program and provided instructions as to arrival details. Brandeis in Siena is an intensive program where you will ...