芬兰船舶设计公司Deltamarin近日宣布,已与中国招商局金陵船舶(江苏)有限公司正式签约,为挪威航运巨头Wallenius Wilhelmsen设计新一代超大型纯汽车和卡车运输船(PCTC)。此次合作将诞生载车量达12,100 ...
2月25日,知名设计公司Deltamarin宣布,已与招商局金陵船舶(江苏)有限公司签署合同,为 Wallenius Wilhelmsen的大型“Shaper”级汽车运输船(PCTC)提供设计服务。 合同包括Wallenius Wilhelmsen目前在南京金陵订购的14艘PCTC中的6艘,这6艘尺寸将从9300车增大到约12100车,成为有史以来最大的PCTC。 Deltamarin表示,将为船 ...
It’s not new, but it’s the difference between crude and gasoline. My poetic rasping aside, the Shaper Origin is the future of making things. It’s tempting to boil it down and say that it’s ...
Now, it’s getting ready for production. With the user moving the Shaper router over a work piece and motors moving the cutter head, this tool is able to make precision cuts – wooden gears and ...
Finnish marine engineering company Deltamarin has been selected to design and engineer an upsized version of the Shaper Class pure car and truck carriers (PCTCs) for Norwegian shipping firm Wallenius ...