This is the oldest skull of a Barbary lion found in the UK. The lion was part of the royal zoo in the Tower of London 700 years ago. Workmen digging in the old moat around the Tower of London in 1937 ...
A Butte County couple on a California flight told plain-clothed wildlife officers they were carrying an illegal sea turtle ...
A casual conversation on a 2023 flight exposed several wildlife crimes committed by three Northern California residents, ...
Officers also discovered that the couple illegally possessed mountain lion claws ... such as the unlawful possession of the sea turtle skull, deer parts, and owl violations were turned over ...
Things apparently got cozy, and they confided that they had hunted a mountain lion. In fact ... the couple had a trophy of their own, the skull of a green sea turtle, and it was with them aboard ...
The CDFW announced Tuesday it settled cases against Byron Lee Fitzpatrick, 24, and Shannon Lee Price, 28, after investigators seized the sea turtle skull, parts of a mountain lion and barn owl ...
Price, 28, told the officers that a family member on the East Coast had given them a sea turtle skull that was packed in their carry-on luggage. They shared a story about hunting a mountain lion ...