SpaceOAR Hydrogel reduced the risk of bowel disorders, the need for colonoscopy and rectal resection following radiation ...
在肿瘤治疗的领域中,软组织肉瘤(Soft Tissue Sarcomas,STS)是一类较为罕见却极具挑战性的恶性肿瘤。它起源于肌肉、脂肪、神经和血管等结缔组织,虽然在所有成人癌症中占比不到 1%,但其复杂的生物学特性和多样的组织学亚型,使得治疗困难重重。超过半数的 STS 患者在确诊时已处于晚期,多伴有转移或局部晚期疾病,预后普遍较差。
Among patients with renal cell carcinoma, those with larger tumors may yield the most benefit from SBRT compared with other ...
Residual cancer can remain undetected despite clear scans, potentially leading to worse outcomes and higher risks of ...