SUMMARY Slavery was integral to Roman society, and slaves outnumbered citizens in Rome. There were many routes to slavery, including as prisoners of war, selling oneself into slavery, or being born a ...
A newly translated papyrus found in Israel provides information about criminal cases and slave ownership in the Roman Empire.
The papyrus revealed how the imperial state dealt with financial crimes - specifically tax fraud involving slaves - in Judaea ...
Slavery had a long history in the ancient world and was practiced in Ancient Egypt and Greece, as well as Rome. Most slaves during the Roman Empire were foreigners and, unlike in modern times ...
SLEEPING in a freezing shed, made waterproof using a blue tarpaulin held down by gym weights, a group of migrants lived in ...
The main defendants, Gadalias and Saulos, stood accused of corrupt dealings, including falsified documents and fictitious ...
A rediscovered Greek papyrus details a Roman court case in Iudaea involving tax fraud, forgery, and possible rebellion on the ...
Engraved illustrations of Ancient Rome from Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art, Published in 1851. Copyright has expired on this artwork ...
Court documents from an ancient tax fraud and forgery case show that tax evasion was an issue even 2,000 years ago.