The Bourse de Commerce is drawing some one hundred works from the Pinault Collection to present the exhibition “Corps et âmes”, an exploration of representations of the body in contemporary art. In ...
The Thinker' is perhaps Rodin's best-known work, and there are many casts. This bronze is in the original size and there are twenty-one pieces known. There are a further twelve enlarged versions ...
The Thinker' is perhaps Rodin's best-known work, and there are many casts. This bronze is in the original size and there are twenty-one pieces known. There are a further twelve enlarged versions ...
There are several bronzes of this work, one of which can be seen in the gardens of the Musée Rodin, to prolong the visit. "In⸱visible Bodies: An Investigation into Balzac's Dressing Gown ...
Bev Rodin is a Canadian artist. How much does a Bev Rodin cost? Bev Rodin's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from 78 USD to 1,777 USD, depending on the ...
Home to one of the largest public collections of Auguste Rodin's work outside of Paris, the Rodin Museum boasts almost 150 bronzes, marbles and plasters created by the famed artist. The collection ...