本研究为解决心房颤动(AF)诊断工具不足的问题,开发了首个包含日本人群样本的24小时Holter ECG数据库SHDB-AF,为机器学习和深度学习模型的泛化能力提供了重要资源,有助于提高AF诊断的准确性和早期干预效果。 心房颤动(Atrial Fibrillation, AF)是一种常见的 ...
Because the AV node is intermittently (not regularly) refractory ... This means an ECG showing atrial fibrillation will have no visible P waves and an irregularly irregular QRS complex.
it will conduct back through the normal AV nodal conduction pathway since it will no longer be refractory and a reentrant circuit will be created. See the ECG strip below which shows a PVC ...