Ramesses II was famously one of the most prolific pharaohs ... which includes such marvels as the Temple of Amun (better known as the Luxor Temple) and its Avenue of Sphinxes.
The Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs Exhibition opened in Tokyo last week following the success of its US and European ...
Ramesses II - the third Egyptian pharaoh of the nineteenth dynasty - lived to the grand old ... research is helping to reveal more about the lives of other characters from ancient Egypt - Horemkenesi, ...
Kadesh – a City Too Far: By April 1274 BC, Ramesses II was on the march in Syria; with his 20,000 or so soldiers rested and reinforced, his army was closing in on the Hittite-held city of Kadesh. His ...
In his hands, Ramses II holds a small naos, a shrine-like structure, above which are depictions of Amun, Ra-Horakhty, and what appears to be a child. The hieroglyphic inscription at their feet ...
illuminating the face of King Ramses II and his statues. While the sunlight falls on the statues of the deities Amun Ra and Ra Horakhty, it does not illuminate the statue of Ptah, the god of the ...
During the solar alignment, the sun’s rays enter the temple’s sanctum to light three of four statues which belong to King Ramses II and the deities Amun-Re and Re-Hur-Akhty, leaving the God of ...
We know from a leather ornament in his bandages that he died in the reign of Ramesses XI, who ruled Egypt 1113-1085 BC. Nesyamun was a priest at the temple of Amun in the Karnak complex at Thebes ...