12 天on MSN
Whether it's rivers cutting through earth, lava melting through rock, or water slicing through ice, channels all twist and ...
Lakkaraju, Himabindu, Sree Harsha Tanneru, and Chirag Agarwal. "Quantifying Uncertainty in Natural Language Explanations of Large Language Models." Paper presented at the Society for Artificial ...
On Friday, Apple (along with Microsoft and Adobe) will front the Federal Australian Parliament’s inquiry into IT Pricing. You may recall that after failing to voluntarily appear, the committee in ...
The best way to deal with risk is to understand what you’re up against and embrace its upside. An enterprise risk management ...
For those just starting out in the world of RC, a low cost transmitter like the Flysky FS-i6S can be very compelling. But is buying a cheap transmitter setting yourself up for failure down the line?
Brown, Zach Y., Mark Egan, Jihye Jeon, Chuqing Jin, and Alex A. Wu. "Why Do Index Funds Have Market Power? Quantifying Frictions in the Index Fund Market." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No.
For the first time, a team of researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) quantified and rigorously studied the effect of metal strength on accurately modeling coupled metal/high ...
Differences in incidence and clinicopathologic features of secondary bladder cancer after long-term follow-up of brachytherapy and radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer. Evaluation of ...