3月12日,34.2版本将在停机维护后实装,内容包含艾伦格地图新增周年庆隐藏宝藏、深蓝色主题限定皮肤及场景装饰,同步上线八周年生存通行证并赠送纪念套装,玩家可使用CDK码“PUBG8TH”兑换100张黑市票券。 更新公告如下: 正式服维护日期 ...
三天前pubg官方发推表示在北京时间1月25日早上6点开始,北美赛区将会有一个萨诺地图娱乐赛,期间会有掉宝活动。 可以确定PUBGxTwitch二代夹克将在 ...
PUBG's very own Brenden Green - better known as PlayerUnknown - wants his new simulation game, made at his new studio, to essentially be a "realistic Minecraft" with geology that echoes the real ...
PUBG creator Brendan Greene says he's making a huge open-world game for his new project for a pretty simple reason - it's the project he wants to make. In an interview with Greene amid the ...