Pre-professional studies in the College of Science is an option for students with the desire to attend a professional school after graduation. All students have a major of their choice and also enroll ...
Beginning with your first year, William & Mary offers a one-on-one pre-med advisory program to aid you in completing the recommended course preparation and to provide guidance about the MCAT exam, ...
For example, students interested in a pre-med or pre-health major could satisfy the prerequisites for medical school in one of three ways: By majoring in one of the life sciences or physical sciences ...
How do you know you're looking at a top-tier pre-medicine program? The results speak for themselves: Calvin graduates score far above the national average on the MCAT and get into prestigious med ...
The Division of Pre-medical and Pre-health Programs offers the unique Evening Post-baccalaureate Pre-medical (PMED) program for individuals with a non-science baccalaureate degree who wish to pursue a ...
Additionally, Gilbert advises potential applicants to "ask their pre-health advisor and or the admissions officers at these medical schools for assistance and guidance on whether or not it's the ...
Why study biomedical engineering as a pre-med major? When you visit the doctor's office or watch a TV program ... Biomedical engineering is the most natural course of study to get you into medical ...
Our HPAC faculty will work with you to build a four-year plan tailored to your career of choice in medicine. Your plan is designed to prepare you for application to the top professional schools and ...
Do most students take a gap/bridge year? Yes, most Northwestern students choose to take one or more gap years between graduating and matriculating to medical school – more than 80%. Folks choose to ...
Even if it's not a medical school requirement, pre-med students should consider job shadowing with doctors and other medical professionals. Admissions committees don't expect applicants to have real ...