Hot stuff The first plasma at the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak. (Courtesy: University of Seville) A novel fusion device based at the University of Seville in Spain has achieved its first plasma. The ...
The Globus-M2 spherical tokamak that Bakharev his team are working on may be an important first step towards this goal. Tokamaks confine plasma – a hot, ionized gas – using magnetic fields ...
ELM crash in AUG shot #37700. a,b, ELM-synchronized spectrograms of measured radial magnetic field fluctuations (∂B r /∂t, labeled as magnetics) for a plasma discharge with fast ions (a) and ...
Japan’s JT-60SA fusion reactor project announced first plasma in October of this year to denote the successful upgrades to what is now the world’s largest operational, superconducting tokamak ...
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) nuclear fusion reactor maintained a steady, highly confined loop of plasma — the high-energy fourth state of matter — for 1,066 seconds ...
This system will soon be installed on the EAST Tokamak, where it will contribute to high-density and high-confinement plasma experiments, according to the team.
To achieve this, technology capable of confining high-temperature plasma exceeding 100 million degrees for extended periods in a fusion reactor is essential. A tokamak is an artificial sun system ...