Critics say a new, broader definition of high-risk plaque opens the door to more tests, diagnoses, and invasive procedures, steering us down a potentially harmful path.
近日,哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院(简称“哈医大二院”)心血管病医院院长、心内科主任于波教授和贾海波教授团队,在心血管领域顶级期刊European Heart Journal 《欧洲心脏杂志》在线发表了题为“Plaque erosion risk and JAK2 V617F variant”的研究论文。该研究首次证实,JAK2 ...
With “plaque rupture” or “plaque erosion,” the thin fibrous cap covering the plaque is disrupted or ulcerated. This exposes the blood flow to tissue factor, activates the clotting cascade ...
The mechanism is usually plaque rupture causing thrombus; however, plaque erosion or progressive hemodynamic stenosis can contribute as well. When an anterior myocardial infarction extends to the ...