If you didn't get around to planting your tulip bulbs in autumn, then you'll be thrilled to discover that it's not too late to plant tulips in January. You can plant bulbs in January on one condition.
Try growing groups of early-flowering tulips in a bed which will be occupied by annuals later in the summer. As a general rule, the larger, showy varieties are better suited to a formal position ...
Planting tulips, crocus, and daffodils in January is fine as long as the ground is workable. 1. Crocus Crocuses bring a burst of colour to the garden in spring and autumn. Carpets of the small ...
New Delhi: New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) acquired 5.5 lakh tulip bulbs, which are currently under a mandatory two-day quarantine period. The council plans to start the planting process by the ...