In Estonia, many people learnt a lesson from ethnomedicine as children – that placing a plantain leaf on a scraped knee would ...
Today, scientific studies have confirmed that plantain plants do indeed accelerate wound healing and possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. A study by researchers at Tallinn ...
The plantains are often lumped in with dandelion and weeds similar to this species are all called "flat weeds". As with all these species, it tolerates low fertility conditions well. However, a weed ...
Broad-leaved plantain is a very common perennial weed found in many lawns and pastures, and often in waste places as well. It is typically found in "run-down" pastures which do not have much grass and ...
100% vegan and 100% flavour! This delicious plant-based burger uses ripe plantain (to get maximum sweetness) mixed with black beans and Caribbean spices. You don’t have to be vegan to love this!
Sometimes convenience breeds complacency. If every herb is readily available to us without the need to learn its lifecycle, ...
And did you know a plantain plant can produce the starchy fruit for up to 100 years. You can eat it at different stages of ripeness: when it’s green (almost ripe,) when it is yellow (ripe,) or ...
A new forage plantain, bred in New Zealand but now available in DLF and Oliver Seeds grass ley mixtures in the UK, significantly reduces nitrate leaching from dairy cow urine patches, as well as ...
The butterfly's primary host plant is the endangered dwarf plantain, but larvae also may live on purple owl's clover or exerted Indian paintbrush. Primary Bay checkerspot habitat is native grassland ...