The periodic table of chemical elements, often called the periodic table, organizes all discovered chemical elements in rows (called periods) and columns (called groups) according to increasing atomic ...
On the periodic table, metals are found on the left and in the middle, and non-metals are on the right. A zig-zag line divides them. In most periodic tables hydrogen (H) is shown separately but is ...
The periodic table was arranged by atomic mass, and this nearly always gives the same order ... found that when the square root of this frequency was plotted against atomic number, the graph showed a ...
Want to learn more about this centerpiece of chemistry? Take your pick from this collection of links about elements and the periodic table! Build an element ball, solve periodic puzzles, and check out ...
This puzzle shows many of the elements used to make transistors. The finished puzzle is a section of the periodic table, so the numbers on each tile are their atomic numbers - that means they ...