多囊卵巢综合征(Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,PCOS),这一困扰着全球众多育龄女性的疾病,就像隐藏在身体里的 “捣乱分子”。它不仅影响女性的生育能力,还与多种代谢疾病以及子宫内膜癌风险的增加息息相关。想象一下,对于那些渴望成为母亲的女性来说,PCOS 带来的子宫内膜容受性降低,就如同在胚胎着床的道路上设置了重重障碍,导致 implantation failure(着床失败) ...
为探究 Wilson 病(WD)合并多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的临床特征、治疗及预后,研究人员分析 40 例患者数据,发现两者存在关联,铜螯合治疗有益。 研究人员采用回顾性分析的方法,收集了 40 例 WD 合并 PCOS(PCOS-WD)的女性患者的临床资料,并选取 43 例年龄和 BMI 匹配的 PCOS 非 WD ...
当全球1.2亿多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)女性还在与痤疮、脱发和月经失调抗争时,她们的子宫深处正上演着一场惊心动魄的细胞叛乱。3月20日发表于 《Nature Medicine》 的突破性研究 “Single-cell profiling of the human endometrium in polycystic ovary syndrome” 揭示:那些反复流产的绝望、5倍飙升的子宫内膜 癌风险 ...
As a diabetes medication, GLP-1s are able to treat insulin resistance, something that many people with PCOS deal with. “It’s ...
Managing PCOS doesn’t have to mean sacrificing flavor. Transform your diet with meals that are both delicious and supportive ...
Weight gain, bloating, constipation – these are just some of the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a hormonal disorder ...
A pharmacist has shed light on certain supplements that can help women with hormonal imbalances and conditions. Amina Khan, ...
SaveHealth explores what the research says about Ozempic's effects on insulin resistance and related conditions.
Finally, Reynolds notes that "because inflammation and stress are major drivers of PCOS for many," she recommends "following an anti-inflammatory diet rich in nuts, seeds, berries, oily fish, herbs, ...