The European physics laboratory CERN is planning to build a mega collider by 2070. Critics say the plan could lead to its ...
Dark matter could be an entire dark sector of the universe, with its own particles and forces H ave you ever stood by the sea ...
An illustration of "Hawking radiation" leaking out of a black hole. New research into the origins of an incredibly powerful ...
On March 2, 1995, the top quark discovery at Fermilab was announced by scientists on the CDF and DZero collaborations, and ...
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) scares many people as neural networks, modeled after the human brain, are so complex ...
Analysing the aftermath of particle collisions has revealed two new instances of “CP violation”, a process that explains why ...
Scientists have long sought the particle that carries the force of gravity, but a new theoretical model tosses out that idea ...
Researchers discover collisionless shock waves as cosmic engines accelerating subatomic particles in space to extreme speeds.
A new technique in detector fabrication could change high-energy physics forever. By using additive manufacturing, ...
An international collaboration headed by researchers in the Department of Physics has shown that additive manufacturing ...
Photographer Charles Brooks is known for his captivating photos inside musical instruments, so Australia’s ANSTO invited him ...
Bridgestone has developed a tire- and road-wear particle collection system it claims will help it enhance its understanding ...