Pet birds such as Budgies and Cockatiel are gentle and friendly, making them great choices for those with limited bird experience.
Are you considering adopting an Indian Ringneck Parakeet as a pet? The Indian Ringneck Parakeet is a popular choice for bird enthusiasts due to its striking colors and playful personality.
If you create a bird-friendly home for your parakeets you will be certain to improve their safety, happiness, and overall well-being. So, whether you’re a new owner or perhaps you’re just ...
"Birds are not ideal for a first-time pet owner," she said. "They require a ton of mental stimulation and care." Owning a parrot is difficult, Baldwin said, because avians require at least five hours ...
Residents have been sending in pictures of mysterious exotic birds that continuously appear in their back gardens.
However, during a visit to the sandhai on Friday, this correspondent found no trace of one of the most commonly bought pet birds — the Alexandrine parakeet. For years, parrots were not even ...