Changes are coming into effect from February 1 about how paracetamol is sold in Australia.Authors Natasa Gisev Clinical pharmacist and Scientia ...
A postmortem-examination revealed multi-organ failure due to paracetamol poisoning. Spelling out the dangers yesterday, Mr Gowland said: 'We don't want others to experience what we've been through ...
The death of a woman in a Liverpool hospital, reportedly from paracetamol poisoning, has brought the issue out of the shadows. She received a dose far in excess of the recommended dose for her ...
Scientists warn older adults about frequent paracetamol use, linking it to serious risks like internal bleeding and kidney ...
Paracetamol is the go-to first aid for most people when they run a fever; however, is it safe or are there other alternate therapies that could be safer options?
The prosecution noted that this was done when she sensed danger and police asked her to appear for interrogation.