With a competent PWM generator on a microcontroller, you can create this carrier modulation easily enough yourself. Set the PWM frequency to 38 kHz and the duty cycle somewhere in the 33%-50% ...
[Jana Marie] must agree with this sentiment, one of her latest projects involves building a tool to generate a PWM signal and test servos using an Attiny25/45/85. What tools have you build recently?
配置完成以后,在model setting -----> code generation里指定build toolchain ... 将30%, 50%, 80%三路占空比传送到 AURIX™ TC4x PWM生成三对100KHZ互补PWM,HRPWM允许 ...
PNN Hyderabad Telangana [India] January 31 Spark PWM a leading wealth management firm is pleased to announce the opening of ...
Inside the latest 16-phase power controller from Alpha and Omega Semiconductor and how it helps feed power-hungry GPUs and ...