为解决 PRRSV - 1 MLV 安全性及毒株变异问题,PORC.SPECTIVE 等机构研究人员开展相关研究,发现法国一猪场 PRRSV - 1 疫情由疫苗衍生毒株引发。此研究揭示风险,对合理使用 PRRS MLV 意义重大,值得科研读者一读。 在养猪业的世界里,有一种病毒如同隐藏在黑暗中的 ...
篇名:纳米颗粒疫苗触发IFN-γ的产生并赋予对PRRSV的保护性免疫 作者:孙杨杨¹,²,高雁怩¹,²,苏潼键¹,²,张路捷¹,²,周昊然¹,²,张杰¹ ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Single-cell RNA analysis of PRRSV-infected pigs reveals that high virulence strains cause early lung damage and immune imbalance, marked by reduced macrophages ...
More information: Byeonghwi Lim et al, Single-cell transcriptomics of bronchoalveolar lavage during PRRSV infection with different virulence, Nature Communications (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024 ...
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) costs an estimated $1.2 billion annually in the U.S. In Europe, the estimated yearly loss is €1.5 billion. The virus causes respiratory ...
UConn researchers have identified a novel small molecule for the development of a preventative treatment for a serious and costly disease in pigs. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome ...
Pig Progress brings you the latest business news and updates from the global pig industry, including a new partnership aimed ...