BRP emerges as a promising peptide for weight loss, activating appetite control pathways without triggering nausea, paving ...
结果发现有氧运动可缓解缺氧导致的 L&M 性能下降,激活 PKA–CREB–BDNF 通路。该研究为改善高原缺氧认知障碍提供依据,值得一读。 在大脑的奇妙世界里,学习和记忆(Learning and Memory,L&M)就像两把神奇的钥匙,打开我们获取知识、存储经验的大门,是大脑至 ...
A new study suggests that chronic stress and an unhealthy diet may work together to fuel the early development of pancreatic cancer, shedding light on how lifestyle factors contribute to one of the ...
A new study led by UCLA investigators suggests that chronic stress and an unhealthy diet may work together to fuel the early ...
Specifically, stress-related neurotransmitters and obesity-related hormones were found to activate a protein called CREB, ...