Most women with epithelial ovarian cancer are diagnosed with stage III ... repeated paracentesis for ascites, and/or multiple thoracentesis for pleural effusions 1A Growth limited to one ovary ...
Those with a family history of gynecological or breast cancer or symptoms of ovarian cancer should be screened for ovarian cancer. Testing may involve a transvaginal ultrasound or blood test.
Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer worldwide ... repeated paracentesis for ascites, and/or multiple thoracentesis for pleural effusions 1A Growth limited to one ovary; no tumor on ...
Patients who were excluded included those with ascites, recurrences other than primary or with an estimated life expectancy ... “In conclusion, we observed no additional benefit in PFS in patients ...
Ascites, or fluid build-up caused by liver ... Your lower abdomen can grow if a fibroid grows too big. Ovarian cancer, which affects the tissue of the ovaries, less commonly causes abdominal ...
Medically reviewed by Jay N. Yepuri, MD Abdominal distension is a noticeable swelling of your belly. Your abdomen (the area between your hips and chest) can grow larger than normal for many reasons, ...