If your orchid is drooping, smelly, or has yellow leaves, it likely has a fungal infection. However, it can be easily treated ...
A woman took to social media to ask for the "best" way to water orchids, which can be quite tricky to get right. Thankfully, ...
I was inspired to try growing orchids after attending the Garden’s Orchid Show last week and would like some advice regarding ...
Speaking to Express.co.uk, gardening expert Graham Smith (MCIHort) – based at LBS Horticulture – revealed the common mistake ...
Don't overwater or underwater your orchids, and maybe skip the ice treatment. Here are some sound strategies to maximize ...
The glowing orange wall dripping with pink and crimson blossoms that greeted me in the Enid A Haupt Conservatory at the New ...
We were looking for a quick escape from the winter chill when a friend and I decided to make the trip to the Cleveland ...
This year’s show pays elegant, effusively colorful tribute to the Mexican architect Luis Barragán and his signature palette ...
Orchids may be low maintenance plants, but this common watering mistake can cause them great harm. Find out what it is and ...
A visitor takes photos of orchids on display at the Prague Botanical Garden in Prague, the Czech Republic, March 15, 2025. An ...
Those found removing Chinese spiranthes from Tainan’s Barclay Memorial Park would face heavy penalties, said the city’s ...
The Springfield Orchid Society is holding its annual show and sale this weekend at the Nathanael Greene Botanical Center.