1.Kato, A., Ohta, K., Okanoya, K., Kazama, H.: "Dopaminergic neurons dynamically update sensory values during olfactory maneuver." Cell Reports 42, 113122 (2023). 2 ...
The rate of development of poikilothermic animals, such as insects, fish, and reptiles, is determined by environmental ...
Olfactory activity is known to induce dramatic changes in the abundance of different sensory neuron subtypes (i.e., neurons that express different olfactory receptor proteins) in an individual’s ...
10.1038/nn.4314 6.Miyasaka N, Arganda-Carreras I, Wakisaka N, Masuda M, Sümbül U, Seung HS, Yoshihara Y.: "Olfactory projectome in the zebrafish forebrain revealed by genetic single-neuron labeling" ...
Researchers have shown that as flies encounter an odor signal, the specific pattern of interference between olfactory receptors helps flies quickly compute the “gist” of the odor’s meaning.
In this detailed study, Cohen and Ben-Shaul characterized Accessory Olfactory Bulb (AOB) cell responses to various conspecific urine samples in female mice across the estrous cycle. The authors found ...
Early research had suggested that each neuron expresses just one type of receptor, and that all the neurons expressing a particular receptor link to a dedicated olfactory nerve cluster (called a ...
Olfactory concept cells ... of concept neurons like those identified by Mormann and his team in their single neuron study, and to what extent the visual appearance of the word (like seeing ...
The paper S. Kikuta et al., “Odorant response properties of individual neurons in an olfactory glomerular module,” Neuron, 77:1122-35, 2013. Although the human sense of smell is feeble compared to ...
The rate of development of poikilothermic animals, such as insects, fish, and reptiles, is determined by environmental temperature. A research team at ...