为解决传统 OECT 酶传感器受催化副产物污染影响性能的问题,太原理工大学研究人员开展可穿戴酶传感器研究。他们用 BBL - Nafion - 酶 - Nafion 堆叠结构修饰 FG OECT,实现汗液代谢物高灵敏检测,对健康监测意义重大,值得一读。 在健康监测的大舞台上,汗液检测 ...
An Organic Electrochemical Transistor (OECT) is an organic electronic device that comprises a conjugated polymer channel in direct contact with an electrolyte. The current flowing through the ...
Ultimately, these models inform the design of OECT sensors and circuits, and they provide a way to measure the material properties of the polymer semiconductors used in OECTs, thus aiding the ...
By keeping the OECT and fuel cell separate, we ensured optimal conditions for both components while still achieving powerful signal amplification. Caroline Ajo-Franklin, Professor and Study ...