同时还搭载了一台调校稍弱的400马力RB26DETT发动机,实际输出300马力,以符合公路驾驶的要求。可惜的是,日产只生产了一台街头合法版的Nismo GT-R LM。
1994年,日产发布了备受欢迎的S14 Silvia,同年Nismo推出了令人瞩目的限量车型——Nismo 270R。仅在日本市场发售,270R凭借独特的Nismo Edge尾翼、中网进气格栅和定制内饰脱颖而出。其2.0升SR20DET涡轮增压四缸发动机经过一系列升级,马力高达270匹,相比原厂多出53匹,足以让性能爱好者心驰神往。传说仅生产了30到50台,尽显其珍稀之身。
a heavily modified RB26DETT capable of 400 hp, but detuned to a more "streetable" 300 hp. Unfortunately, Nissan decided against a limited production run, so only a single street-legal Nismo GT-R ...
Omori Factory is the home of Nismo, Nissan’s world-renowned motorsport ... comes in the form of the unmistakable pulse of an idling RB26-powered model, big-bore exhausts sending tremors and ...
The spice to that meat though begins with Nismo’s intake manifold for the RB26DETT featuring an enlarged surge tank, which Nissan says is optimized for 400 to 600 horsepower. That’s an ...
An extensive re-working of the R33 GT-R, Nismo left no stone unturned in its quest to build the ultimate road-going Skyline. Firstly, the car loses the RB26DETT engine found in most Skylines and ...