The US-spec Fusion was retired back in 2020, a year after the Taurus died. Sedans are still popular in China, which is the main reason the car exists in the first place. Photo by: Ford Photo by: Ford ...
Your message was sent. You'll receive a response shortly. Editor’s note: This review was written in January 2009 about the 2010 Ford Fusion. Little of substance has changed with this year’s model.
Liu Bolin, the world-renowned Chinese artist famous for painting himself to camouflage into the background of an image, has teamed up with Ford for its latest advertisement for the 2013 Ford Fusion.
This profile has not been claimed by the company. See reviews below to learn more or submit your own review. The Ford Fusion was first introduced in 2006 and can last more than 15 years when well ...
For 14 years, the Ford Fusion was one of Ford's most popular models. It carved a niche for itself in a competitive sedan market, highlighted by its practical design, stylish lines, and overall ...