你的身边有没有这样的朋友:每天刷手机到半夜,第二天醒来依旧神采奕奕。(来源:soogif)还有些朋友,每天到点就睡,睡够足足8小时,却仍然起床困难,哈欠连连...为什么会有这样“不公平”的现象呢?原因可能在于——睡眠“深度”不一样。睡得久并不代表睡得 ...
However, some research shows that major stressors may increase REM sleep but reduce deep sleep. REM rebound, which is when we ...
Discover what causes sleep talking, whether your nighttime chatter reveals hidden secrets, and how to reduce these nocturnal conversations with expert tips.
While it's well known that sleep enhances cognitive performance, the underlying neural mechanisms, particularly those related to nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, remain largely unexplored.
The study, published at the end of November in the Journal of Neuroscience, throws light on how the synchronized brainwave patterns during non rapid eye movement (NREM) phase of sleep enhances ...
The duration of each waking episode was measured, as was the duration of each episode of nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep stages 1 (NREM1), 2 (NREM2), and 3–4 (SWS), and rapid eye movement ...
The locus coeruleus noradrenergic system could offer a promising avenue for treating insomnia with medication, especially in ...
Dogs have a number of sleep stages, including drowsiness, lighter non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and deeper rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, where most, although not all, dreaming happens.