As functional mushrooms like Lion's Mane become more popular, companies like North Spore are capitalizing on the trend.
3. Troubleshoot Your Mushroom Growing Q&A Do you need a grow tent to grow mushrooms? Will growing mushrooms indoors mess up your other indoor ferments? Follow along ...
A blend of the spores and these nutrient sources is called spawn. Mushroom spawn acts a bit like the starter you need to make sourdough bread. The spawn supports the growth of mushrooms' tiny ...
Now is the season for shiitake mushrooms to hit market. On March 12, the State Grid Fuyang Power Supply Company organized a ...
Zhang Xiaoni told the service team that the process from the cultivation of mushroom spawn to the fruiting and removal of the spawn from the racks takes 11 months. Mushroom cultivation demands ...
Next, begin to “inoculate” the straw by generously scattering the mushroom spawn into the straw after every layer of new straw. Mix at a rate of 90% straw to 10% mushroom spawn. Keep the ...
Drama and Fine Arts Cell of Unity College of Teacher Education, Dimapur observed the World Theatre Day on March 27 and 28 at ...
TEZU- Hands on Oyster Mushroom Cultivation was conducted by the College of Horticulture and Forestry, Central Agricultural ...