Square numbers are formed by multiplying a number by itself. For example, \(5 {\times 5} = 25\), 25 is a square number. It can be written as \(5^{2}\) and can also be said as ‘five squared ...
Algebraic expressions can be expanded - multiplied by one or more terms. They may also be simplified – made shorter and simpler by collecting like terms. Multiply \(-3\) by \(-4\) using the rule ...
DELTA Module 1 focuses on the background to learning and teaching English. It is assessed via a written exam which tests candidates’ knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning English in a ...
Female-run enterprises are steadily growing all over the world, contributing to household incomes and growth of national economies. However, women face time, human, physical, and social constraints ...
Christensen, Clayton M. "Value Networks and the Impetus to Change: Managing Innovation: Overview Teaching Note for Module 1." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 699-163, April 1999.