Our modulator allows radio signals and other electrical signals to be converted into optical signals directly and therefore ...
EOMs are commonly used in applications that require q-switching such as research laser systems, military lasers, and medical ...
Researchers have developed a next-generation plasmonic modulator that enables optical data transmission at record-breaking ...
A modulator has now broken the terahertz mark. The ultrafast component efficiently transmits large volumes of data into the fiber-optic network in a short space of time.
Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed a terahertz amplifier-multiplier system that enables the ...
由Juerg Leuthold领导的苏黎世联邦理工学院团队成功展示了高达1.1THz的频率响应,3-dB带宽为997GHz,6-dB带宽超过1THz。这些由Polariton制造并由苏黎世联邦理工学院表征的设备所取得的成果,展示了团队在推动技术边界方面的承诺。
A recent retrospective study published in CHEST evaluated the effects of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ...
Iqure Pharma Inc. has received institutional review board (IRB) approval for a first-in-human study of iQ-007 in healthy volunteers. This follows recent formal approval from the Human Research Ethics ...
The Multistream DVB-S2 Modulator enables DVB-S2 transmissions in CCM (Constant Coding and Modulation) and VCM (Variable Coding and Modulation) modes. Each stream can be independently modulated using ...
Researchers across 14 medical centers in China, including Peking University People's Hospital, have found that an ...