DonChristian Jones, an artist from Philadelphia, is the first Adobe Creative Resident at the Museum of Modern Art. Through ...
Tracing Whitten’s artistic development with the largest ever show of his work, the story of an exhibition exploring the lives ...
After taking in art and architecture that reflect a changing Warsaw, look outside to explore the real thing: the ongoing ...
近期,法国奢华腕表品牌理查米尔(RICHARD MILLE)与纽约现代艺术博物馆(The Museum of Modern Art,以下简称“MoMA”)达成了长期合作伙伴关系。理查米尔表示,双方将于MoMA内举办多元的当代项目、展览及艺术表演。
Ralph Lemon has described choreography as “a daily event appropriate to uncontrolled circumstances.” If the traditional role ...
The journalist and collector Niomar Moniz Sodré Bittencourt, who established the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro, was ...
Hyundai Card's newly installed digital wall, identical to one at MoMA, is part of a collaboration between the company and the ...
Explore the overlap between abstract art, weaving, craft, and fashion at this MoMA exhibit. "Woven Histories: Textiles and Modern Abstraction" delves into the dynamic intersections between weaving ...
NY Battle Ground, 1967, oil on canvas The Museum of Modern Art, New York/Photo by Jonathan Muzikar The show’s more than 175 works will span nearly six decades of his practice, which explored the ...
For years, lawmakers tried to turn Polish cultural institutions conservative. Now, the revamped Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw wants to avoid getting drawn into politics. By Alex Marshall ...