The company's technology is largely based on Quake's work on microfluidic large-scale integration, using large numbers of valves and channels to perform multiple assays on a single chip.
gene expression analysis and digital PCR have been enabled and enhanced through the use of soft lithography–fabricated microfluidic platforms that allow the creation of many channels and valves ...
Quake and his colleagues devised microfabricated mechanical valves made of PDMS and dubbed them Quake valves. 2 This design integrated these microvalves onto a bilayer PDMS microfluidic chip. Liquid ...
Microfluidics also plays a crucial role in the lymphatic system, which helps maintain the body's fluid balance and immune function. The lymphatic vessels transport lymph fluid, a fluid that contains ...
In the oscillator, pinch valves act like JFETs. When fuel from one reservoir is flowing into one reaction chamber, one of the pinch valves pinches off the flow of fuel to the other reaction chamber.
Current flow cytometers rely on specialized pumps and valves for fluid flow and control, making the equipment expensive and bulky. After experimenting with several alternate microfluidic flow ...
Industrial Microfluidic Programmable Syringe Pumps Microfluidic Standard & Custom Valve Custom System Integrations Microfluidic Rotary Valves for Precise Fluid Control Our microfluidic components ...